Planned absence
In this procedure you can load a list containing the personnel that have planned absence registered. You can also load a list where you can register planned absence for multiple persons. At the bottom of the window you find totals of the columns.
You can also register planned absence in the procedure Attendance list, but only for one person at a time. Please note! You need to have the user rights to adjust attendance for the employee in order to make adjustments. If you don’t have such user rights, you can only see already recorded planned absence.

In this list type you see the days for which employees have registered planned absence. The list shows a question mark on days for which planned absence is applied for, a green check for days with approved planned absence, and a red X on days with denied planned absence. If absence is planned for part of day, an asterisk * is shown as well. The day columns in the list are compact and are better suited for printout than the Detailed list type.
In this list type you see the dates for which employees have registered planned absence. The list also displays absence codes. The list shows a question mark on days for which planned absence is applied for, a green check for days with approved planned absence, and a red X on days with denied planned absence. If absence is planned for part of day, an asterisk * is shown as well.
Edit planned absence
Using this list type you can register planned absence for multiple persons at a time. These records will then receive status Approved. Already registered records are shown in bold font if they are approved, and in italics if they have status Applied for. Part of day is indicated with an asterisk *.

In a list procedure there is always a tab called Selection where you can select data records in different intervals from the database. The data records are then loaded by using the Load button in the toolbar of the procedure.
Under Selection rows in the backstage of the procedure, you can choose which selection rows that each list type should have, under the Selection tab in the procedure. In the List type field you select for which list type you want to customize the selection rows.
One table shows selection rows possible to select and one one table shows the selected selection rows. You can add, delete, or move selection rows by dragging and dropping the selection rows with your mouse pointer.
Using the Save button you save the selected selection rows.
Read more about this in the Selection topic.
You can automate the running of this procedure with the Agent option. Read more about The Agent can help make your processes more efficient.